Name | Price |
BTC Bitcoin | 101216.39€ |
ETH Ethereum | 3185.97€ |
DOGE Dogecoin | 0.34644€ |
LTC Litecoin | 113.1969€ |
DOT Polkadot | 6.37038€ |
ADA Cardano | 0.95473€ |
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(BTC) is a digital currency, used and distributed in a totally electronic manner. It is a decentralized peer-to-peer network, free from the control of individuals or institutions. It cannot be printed, and its quantity is limited: no more than 21 million can be...
Imagine buying a digital artwork on the Internet for a reasonable price and getting a unique digital token that proves your authority over the artwork you purchased. Wouldn't that be great? Well, this opportunity exists now, thanks to NFTs. NFTs are currently taking...
Ethereum is an open source distributed software platform based on blockchain technology. It has its own native cryptocurrency called Ether and a programming language called Solidity.Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that records actions, such as...