About Us

Cryptosmart was founded by serious and rigorous entrepreneurs with a long history of business success.

Cryptosmart was founded by entrepreneurs Alessandro Ronchi, Claudio Baldassarri, Flavio Ubaldi, Massimo Zamporlini, Fabio Persichetti, and Alessandro Frizzoni. The founders invested their own money. “Skin in the Game” is the expression for entrepreneurs who risk their own capital. A sign of strong commitment and seriousness. Cryptosmart is a company governed by Italian laws, based in Italy, in Perugia, Umbria.


Cryptosmart is unique and different from all cryptocurrency platforms. It is entirely Italian and therefore domiciled in the European Union . All other exchanges on the market are opaque: no ownership information, no domiciliation, no address. Money paid to buy cryptocurrencies ends up in a bank account in an unknown foreign country, often offshore havens, outside the Eurozone. Zero transparency, few legal guarantees. Bringing them back is difficult and very expensive. Cryptosmart is the only platform that gives ownership information, that has a real address, that is registered in the European Union. We tell you who we are, we tell you where we are, you can contact us at any time. You can trust Cryptosmart.


Cryptosmart was founded to offer an easy, independent and low-cost European alternative for liquidity. From today, the assets of Italians have a new choice. And it is a choice at home, speaking the same language, easy and understandable. There is a great need for diversification, there is a great demand for alternative assets, in a world where money no longer yields anything. Cryptosmart answers that demand. We believe in the power of digital assets, the most disruptive innovation of recent decades: thanks to technology, the world of finance is freer and more democratic, less expensive.

As entrepreneurs living in Italy, we realized that there is a lack of access to cryptocurrencies and Digital Assets in the country. Especially for ordinary people, small savers and families. Finance, to be truly democratic, must be easy to understand, reliable and inexpensive. These are the three pillars of Cryptosmart. So, in early 2021, with the country and the world in the midst of a pandemic, we decided to launch the first Italian crypto-asset platform. Crises are scary, but they have always been a great opportunity: they accelerate progress and transformation. Enter the future of finance: buy, sell, deposit cryptocurrencies or other digital assets, without interference, without imposition, when and how you want.

CNBC Interview with Cryptosmart

Ceo Alessandro Frizzoni 

Alessandro Frizzoni co-ceo of Cryptosmart talks about cryptocurrency trends in wartime, the positions of Russia and Ukraine on digital assets and future evolution of the crypto market.

Forbes interview with Cryptosmart co-founders Alessandro Frizzoni and Alessandro Ronchi

Cryptosmart Founders, interviewed by Forbes Digital Revolution , recount their entrepreneurial journey, talk about blockchain as the “New Industrial Revolution,” how crypto exchanges work, and AML policy

Cryptocurrencies, the currency of the future. The challenge of the 100% Italian company

Cryptosmart Founders, interviewed by TV Centro Marche, talk about the development of cryptocurrencies and their use in daily life.

CNBC interviews Cryptosmart co-founder Alessandro Frizzoni

Cryptosmart co-founder Alessandro Frizzoni is invited as a guest to an episode of CLASS CNBC’s Cashless to talk about the outlook for cryptos in 2022.

Umbria TV talks about Cryptosmart: in Umbria the first Italian cryptocurrency platform

Guests on the regional Umbria TV news Cryptosmart co-founders Massimo Zamporlini and Claudio Baldassarri

Cryptocurrency taxation: the latest legislators’ moves and practical examples

Alessandro Ronchi and Fabio Pauselli interviewed by Finanzonline TV talk about taxation in the world of cryptocurrencies and the latest moves of the legislators.

What say about us

Con Cryptosmart le vostre crypto sono sempre al sicuro

by | Nov 30, 2022 | Press Evidenza | 0 Comments

Cryptosmart sottolinea e ribadisce che le crypto del cliente vengono custodite per intero e non vengono utilizzate in alcun modo e per nessuna ragione. Un’altra differenza fondamentale è che Cryptosmart è un’azienda con la sede legale e operativa in Italia, soggetta completamente alla legislazione italiana . I diritti dei clienti di Cryptosmart sono tutelati dalla giustizia e dai tribunali italiani , nel caso fosse necessario anche nei confronti di Cryptosmart stessa.

Attività di convalida blockchain tassata come reddito di capitale

by | Jul 25, 2022 | Press Evidenza | 0 Comments

L’Agenzia dell'Entrate con un lungo interpello a seguito dei quesiti posti da Cryptosmart scioglie il nodo dell’imposta sullo staking: la società che offre l’infrastruttura informatica opera da sostituto

Cryptosmart, il circuito made in Italy per pagare con le monete virtuali

by | May 27, 2022 | Press Evidenza | 0 Comments

I due co-ceo, Alessandro Frizzoni e Alessandro Ronchi, già fondatori di Go Internet e Aria, spiegano i piani dell'azienda e le prospettive del settore

La start-up Cryptosmart pensa nell’ottica della Borsa e punta su nuovi mercati

by | May 27, 2022 | Press Evidenza | 0 Comments

I due co-ceo, Alessandro Frizzoni e Alessandro Ronchi, già fondatori di Go Internet e Aria, spiegano i piani dell'azienda e le prospettive del settore

Vola lo staking di criptovalute e ora arriva anche in Italia

by | Mar 17, 2022 | Press Evidenza | 0 Comments

Il «proof of stake» si propone come alternativa meno energivora delle cripto tradizionali. E cresce la messa a disposizione degli asset per il sistema

Cryptosmart, il primo exchange italiano che offre lo staking su crypto: Ethereum, Cardano e Polkadot

by | Mar 15, 2022 | Press Evidenza | 0 Comments

Cryptosmart ha lanciato un nuovo servizio che consente di partecipare alla produzione ed alla convalida di nuovi blocchi della blockchain. Si tratta del primo exchange crypto italiano ad offrire il servizio di staking.

Cryptosmart lancia il nuovo servizio di Staking su crypto

by | Mar 10, 2022 | Press Evidenza | 0 Comments

Cryptosmart, l’innovativo exchange 100% italiano, offre un nuovo meccanismo di consenso per la produzione e la convalida dei blocchi della blockchain su crypto: Ethereum, Cardano e Polkadot.

Cryptosmart abilita lo staking su Ethereum, Cardano e Polkadot

by | Mar 9, 2022 | Press Evidenza | 0 Comments

Lo staking di criptovalute è un'attività difficile da realizzare autonomamente. Grazie a Cryptosmart bastano tre semplici passaggi.

Cryptosmart abilita lo staking su Ethereum, Cardano e Polkadot

by | Mar 7, 2022 | Press Evidenza | 0 Comments

Cryptosmart, exchange 100% italiano, ha lanciato oggi l’innovativo servizio che offre agli utenti la possibilità di ricevere nuove criptovalute, di partecipare alla produzione e convalida di nuovi blocchi della blockchain e di garantire la sua efficienza e sicurezza.

Cryptosmart lancia il servizio di staking

by | Mar 7, 2022 | Press Evidenza | 0 Comments

l’exchange italiano Cryptosmart lancia il servizio che offre agli utenti la possibilità di ricevere nuove criptovalute, di partecipare alla produzione e convalida di nuovi blocchi della blockchain.

Cryptosmart, ecco due servizi per utilizzare i bitcoin nella vita reale

by | Mar 4, 2022 | Press Evidenza | 0 Comments

Cryptosmart, prima piattaforma italiana di criptovalute, presenta due nuovi sistemi di integrazione tra monete virtuali ed economia reale

Cryptosmart, ora la moneta digitale è per tutti

by | Feb 7, 2022 | Press Evidenza | 0 Comments

La piattaforma di exchange che permette ai clienti di comprare, vendere, depositare criptovalute o altri beni digitali senza intermediari.

Enter the crypto world safely and easily

Choose the first digital assets platform based in the European Union